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  • Links to Support

    Mental Health and Wellbeing Support

    Local support and food banks

    Please look at the below website as there are a number of resources to access support from food banks to clothing and furniture to cooking classes and free food apps.

    Support with the cost of living

    There are number of food banks around the area that can offer support. Dudley have now set up cost of living Hubs, you can access these through the website with links to speak to someone for support.


    Below are some links to websites that can support with feelings and worries 

    Action for Happiness

    Young minds


    Girls Friendship for Society - to support girls and young women in England and Wales

    Wee seed


    Health and Wellbeing Update

    Spring 2025 edition

    Happier minds

    A mental wellbeing website for young people, parents/carers and school based staff in Dudley.

    If you have any urgent concerns regarding your mental health, help can be found by visiting either of these helplines below.

    Shout text line; Providing support for anyone struggling to cope, 24/7

    Black Country NHS 24/7 urgent mental health helpline number
    0800 008 6516

    The Anna Freud Centre have put together some ideas for the summer.

    The summer holidays offer an opportunity to recharge, but some young people may find themselves struggling without the structure and support network of school.

    Place 2 Be - Improving Children's Mental Health 

    They have a wealth of information that can be useful and have also added some summer tips this year

    Dudley Council

    Below will bring you to a link for support with a family wellness coach.

    Below you can find access to the Triple P and Solihull approach to parenting. These are very useful with some great tips to use with your children and family

    Useful Recourses from CAMHS

    This is a very useful website that holds a number of links to books and apps that support children's mental health and parenting support.

    Supporting your child's mental health

    The EasyPeasy App brings together the best ideas, advice, and inspiration 

    New dads support

    Further places to call for support

    Black Country Mental Health Helpline: 0800 008 6516

    Adult mental health services throughout Birmingham and Solihull: 0121 262 3555

    The AOC professional therapy and counselling in Dudley: 01384 211168

    Elysia Therapeutic Centre, Supporting Health, Wellbeing & Learning: 01384 392072

    Samaritans: Phone 0116 123 

    Mind Infoline: Phone 0300 123 3393 or text 86463 

    Rethink Mental Illness Advice Line: Phone 0300 5000 927

    SHOUT 24/7 text service text: 85258 

    (CALM) Campaign against Living Miserably: 0800 58 58 58