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  • Governance

    Meet the Governing Board

    Headteacher Co-Chair of Governors

    Co-Chair of Governors

    Miss K. Wilson

    Mrs G. Withers

    Mr G. Hall


    Parent Governor Parent Governor

    Parent Governor

    Mrs S. Campbell-Whyte

    Mrs J. Church

    Mr A. Smith


    Parent Governor Parent Governor

    Co-Opted Governor

    Mrs G. Smyth

    Mr R. Soni

    Mr G. Singh-Sahota


    Staff Governor Deputy Headteacher/
    Co-Opted Governor

    Mrs N. Woodhouse

    Mrs N. Webb


    Local Authority Governor

    Co-Opted Governor

    Co-opted Governor





    If you would like to contact the governor, please either call the school or send an email to The school office will arrange for your message to be passed to the relevant governor.

    Hurst Green Governing Board

    This summary is designed to give you more information on the governors at Hurst Green and help you understand our roles and what we do.

    The governing board consists of 15 volunteers and currently there are 4 categories of governors: parents, staff, co-opted and local authority. Each governor serves a term of four years.

    The parent governors are elected by the parents, and the staff governor is elected by the staff. Co-opted governors are members of the community who have an interest in the school and are invited to become a governor. Local authority governors are selected by the local authority from interested volunteers. The headteacher is also a governor.

    The governing board meets every term to review what is happening within the school and to plan strategically for the future. In all types of schools, governing bodies have a strong focus on three core strategic functions:

    1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
    2. Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; and
    3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

    Governors are actively involved in all aspects of the school by attending and contributing to meetings, visiting the school and are invited to celebrations and performances. Some governors also assist as voluntary helpers within the classroom and at PTA events.  All governors are linked to specific subjects and visit their link subject coordinators in school.

    Whilst the governing board is there to support and challenge the school, the day-to-day running of the school is the responsibility of the headteacher.