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Year Group Home Page

Welcome to Year 2!

Here you will find all you need to know during your child's year in Year 2.


Cedar Class


Mrs Edmonds

Mr Lander

Cherry Class 


Mr Tinsley

Mrs Tinsley

Phonics & Spellings

In Year 2, we will continue to learn phonics through the Little Wandle phonics scheme for the Autumn term. Children who did not pass their phonics screening check will continue their phonics learning via the Rapid Catch-up Little Wandle Scheme. 

Weekly home school spellings will be set each Friday with the spelling test seven days later. Spelling test marks will be sent home attached to the following weeks spellings. 


Reading Practice Sessions

Children in Year Two, start the year by reading fully decodable books with an adult 3 times per week during our ‘Reading Practice’ sessions. These are then sent home, in the form of an ebook, for children to build their reading fluency and showcase their developing skills and phonetic knowledge to their parents/carers. These 3 reading practice sessions each have a different focus; decoding, prosody and comprehension. Once your child has completed their phonics programme, they will move onto book banded books. Your child will be issued a new reading book every Friday by their class teacher. 

Supporting your child with reading

Although your child will be taught to read at school, you can have a huge impact on their reading journey by continuing their practice at home. Aim to read with your child at least 3 times per week. 

Reading for pleasure book

In order to encourage your child to become a lifelong reader, it is important that they learn to read for pleasure. In Year Two, children will choose a book for you to share and enjoy together, with no expectation for them to read this independently. You can read it to or with them. Discuss the pictures, enjoy the story, predict what might happen next, use different voices for the characters, explore the facts in a non-fiction book. Additionally, after reading the book you can pick out some words and help them to expand their vocabulary by discussing alternatives for these words. Most importantly, have fun!

Kinetic Letters - Handwriting

We follow the Kinetic Letters handwriting programme at Hurst Green Primary School. Below, you will find a link to a crib sheet and support sheets that you may find useful at home. There is also a link to video showing the way we teach the children how to hold a pencil in a tripod grip. 

Pencil Grip

Pencil Grip


Numbots is a brilliant website where children can log in to play different games that increase their knowledge and fluency with number facts within 10 and 20. These facts are the foundations to so many other areas of Maths so the aim is to able to automatically recall them in the same way we aim to learn times tables later on in school. We will soon be sending out the children's log in details so please look out for them. 


Maths Club Awards

In Year 2 we are really enjoying earning our maths club badges. Please find below a copy of our club awards.